Location: Residence Oud-Bommenede, Kijkuitsedijk 1 Zonnemaire
Residence: Authentic residence in natural surroundings with a garden of its own in the countryside. In time, sixty care units will be realised in Residence Oud-Bommenede.The house used for de Zeeuwse Huiskamer is an existing house that will be adapted in order to make it accessible for people with need for care. It will become a pilot house with room for experiment to look into what works and what does not. The experience gained through this is used in the other houses.
Goals: Preventive care, pre-operative care, post-operative care close to loved ones.
Target Audience: This location mainly focuses on tourism and temporary living.
Project Partners: 24Care, Allerzorg, Allerzorg van der Bijl, Colijn BV, DELTA NV., Hogeschool Zeeland, Nolte Küchen, Pauwe Interieur
Project Manager: Brenda Voet